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Porsche Macan 2.0 T - Power upgrade FEEDBACK

Porsche Macan 2.0 T - Power upgrade FEEDBACK

We love to hear feedback like this from our customers and what we love even more is to share it with you.

CAR: Porsche Macan 2.0 T 237 HP

PRODUCT: Peregrine Power upgrade & Peregrine Response Module

Hello Thomas.

We received the modules.

Followed the instructions and my goodness, the power and acceleration is flawless and incredible. Indeed, you guys have a unique and untouchable product. I mean, with power module set at the sport mode +3 and the response control module set on sport mode +1. WOW!!!!!!!

The vehicle is a whole different beast. I've been advertising about the modules and I have people whom are driving the  Macan and they will let me know what they think "before the modules" and "After the modules".

So If they're interested I will definitely let you know and you will receive an e-mail with an order(s) request.

But I'm rating you guys A SOLID 5 STARS. To me , you guys at Peregrine Refinement delivered with a promise of Quality and incontestable products.

My compliments to the whole company.

Thank you again and I will stay in touch.

Best regards, George Florida, USA

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